WinCVS 실행하면 한번은 죽어버리고, 다시 실행하면 위와 같은 에러창이 뜬다. 

[아니요]를 클릭하면 진행이 되긴하는데, 매번 이러기 귀찮아서 찾아보니 방법이 있었다.

결론은 cygwin bin디렉토리에서 tcl84.dll을 지웠다.

아래 WinCVS사이트의 코멘트 참조

I have got Cygwin 1.5.7 or later installed and WinCvs hangs or crashes right on startup. What should I do?

This is a known issue that is caused by the TCL DLL distributed with Cygwin which also affects a few other Windows applications which attempt to load the TCL interpreter DLL, e.g. WinGaim. Apparently the Cygwin flavour of tcl84.dll depends on the Cygwin environment being loaded as well which is not the case for WinCvs and shouldn't have to be. This causes the host application (in this case WinCvs) to crash or hang while trying to load the DLL. Other than not even trying to load the DLL there isn't really anything sensible that could be done about this from WinCvs' point of view (see below).

The workaround is to make sure that WinCvs either finds a different tcl84.dll first or none at all. This could be accomplished by any of the following:

  • Rearrange your PATH environment variable so a folder that contains a non-Cygwin tcl84.dll (recommended is the one included in the standard Pythondistribution) comes before the Cygwin one.
  • Uninstall the Tcltk package from your Cygwin installation.
  • Rename or delete the tcl84.dll in your Cygwin bin directory.
  • Remove the Cygwin bin directory from your PATH altogether.

Note that this problem only applies when you have put your Cygwin bin directory on your PATH as that is where WinCvs will by default search for a TCL DLL to use. This could not really be recommended even if this particular issue did not exist (even though it seems that the Cygwin people are actually recommending to do so...). Cygwin effectively creates its own sub-Operating System environment so "letting it out in the open to mix and match" with the Windows-native applications could lead to unpredictable results.

Recent releases of WinCvs have implemented a partial remedy: When a hang or crash occurred while loading DLLs they will detect this and on next startup will offer the option to not load any external DLLs. This will allow users to start WinCvs without crash or hang and then simply go to the preferences to specify a different DLL (on the WinCvs tab of Admin|Preferences.

You can read more about this issue in this thread from the Cygwin mailing list and this report in the CVSGUI bug tracker. Furthermore, the archives of theCVSGUI mailing list are full of posts on the issue as well.

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